Go rent Visual Acoustics.
It's a documentary about Julius Schulman, an amazing photographer and key figure during one of my favorite architectural movements, California modernism. He brought to life the works of architects that were just starting to make a name for themselves at this time - Neutra, Schindler, Koenig, Eames. His photos of these iconic homes were some of the first images i had seen of this type of architecture, and were what turned me on to architecture in general.
Much like an architect, Schulman had a brilliant sense of composition, proportion and light that enhanced the architecture in his images by creating a mood. He captures a fantasy of a mythical los angeles and palm springs in the 50s and 60s, where the wild landscapes blend seamlessly with open architecture.
The film is incredibly interesting and Schulman is the cutest little old man who has some great stories about working with Neutra, Wright, etc. so just watch it already.